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About David Oala
David Oala is Field Sales Officer at NATIONAL FINANCE LIMITED in Kunai Street, Hohola
Port Moresby, National Capital District 121, PG. Previously worked at ProPest Control Limited as Sales Executive. NATIONAL FINANCE LIMITED is a Financial Services company in Kunai Street, Hohola
Port Moresby, National Capital District 121, PG with 54 employees
National Finance is a PNG home grown financial service company committed to assisting citizens of our nation by providing quality financial products and services. Being a ‘tru’ PNG company we understand the unique nature of Melanesian customs and culture and the individual needs and expectations of our customers.
To service them we currently have branches located in Port Moresby, Lae and Buka AROB, and more recently Mt Hagen. We also have Agents in Western Highlands, Enga, Jiwaka, Gulf and West Sepik provinces with more appointments to follow.
We do not see ourselves merely as a provider of personal loans but rather as a local company committed to assisting people from all walks of life to meet pressing and urgent financial commitments ranging from school fees, medical assistance and customary obligations, to helping you with achieving your own individual dreams, hopes and aspirations, whatever that may represent.
To that end our customer service value proposition is based on building personalised relationships with our customers where all staff at National Finance will strive on a daily basis to:
Meet the needs of our customers in a professional, ethical and courteous manner;
Treat all customers with respect;
Be open and honest in all our dealings ; and
Respond to customer enquiries promptly and efficiently