Greentech South, the Technology and Innovation Cluster, has been created by Future South and is located in Portsmouth, UK. The cluster is focused on the following goals to support businesses in the low carbon sector:
• £4 Million grant scheme to assist companies in commercialising ideas.
• Facilitating 200 Greentech apprenticeships with SMEs within 2 years.
• Working in partnership to find new markets for export.
• Building a strong network of active companies with clear areas of special interest.
• Creating a thriving and internationally recognised world class Cluster.
Greentech South is the only UK Energy and Environment Sector Cluster to achieve European Bronze standard for cluster management and works with Businesses, Universities and Local Government to capitalise on world class research and development within our region. Together we create and enhance opportunities that lead to significant growth and jobs. The cluster offers access to expert knowledge in the low carbon economy and green technology and innovation as well as to third party funding to ensure rapid business growth and a vibrant local economy.