The Human Capital/Talent Management industry is in a state of rapid change. Clients want solutions and platforms vs. "best of breed" solutions that require substantial integration and maintenance. Clients also want access to global offerings and capabilities. This has put tremendous pressure on vendors to make very difficult and complex decisions about the state of their offerings.
The Gotham Growth Group team has personal experience in dealing with all of these issues firsthand. We have acted as company CEOs, presidents, managing directors or division managers of large, small, and middle market Human Capital / Talent Management companies. Our backgrounds in sales, marketing, technology, operations and finance bring value to the vendors we engage. The addition of innovative and professional management advisers to growing companies is a proven formula for growth. We have demonstrated our ability to run and grow a business in this market.
Gotham Growth works diligently with clients that fit well with our competencies, skill sets, backgrounds and contacts.
Our primary focus is to accelerate your growth. Our partners provide the talent necessary to achieve this growth. Gotham Growth partners can leverage contacts at the highest levels of both vendors (including the HRO and RPO markets) and specifically at a very high level with decision makers at end-clients.