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About David Donnan
David Donnan is Marine Sustainability Manager at NatureScot in Perth, Scotland, United Kingdom. Previously worked at NatureScot as Policy & Advice Manager. NatureScot is a Government Administration company in Great Glen House
Leachkin Road
Inverness, Inverness IV3 8NW, GB with 267 employees
David Donnan Social
David Donnan Work
David Donnan is the Marine Sustainability Manager @NatureScot, with experience in Policy & Advice Manager @NatureScot
The natural environment is one of Scotland’s biggest assets. The role of NatureScot (formerly Scottish Natural Heritage) is to look after Scotland's nature, help people to enjoy and value it, and encourage people to use it sustainably.
NatureScot is a government body responsible to Scottish Government Ministers and through them to the Scottish Parliament. Much of our work is done in partnership with others – local authorities, government bodies, businesses, community groups, land managers, and a wide range of representative bodies.
Our priorities are set out in our corporate strategy. In working for people and nature, we provide grants, carry out research, provide advice and information, handle a wide range of casework, look after designated sites, produce publications, provide licences and support interpretation.
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