We provide advice, support and training to companies, investors and regulators in the communications sector. Our team comprises only highly experienced, industry experts, many with more than 25 years experience. This experience has been gained both in developed markets but also in some of the most challenging emerging markets of the world. This breadth and depth of experience allows us to provide unparalleled insight, advice and support.
Our advisory services include due diligence, profit optimization and network performance improvement across GSM, 3G, Fixed, Broadband, WiFi and WiMax technologies. We advise MVNOs and host networks on strategy and implementation and a wide range of players on the challenges of convergence. We have a long and proven track record in spectrum valuation and spectrum auctions and licence bids and our digital content and media team have unrivalled commercial expertise. Our training services encompass strategy, finance, business modelling and technology and we provide operational support from interim management through to full network roll-outs.