Wilson Hill Academy exists to provide college-bound students with a classical and Christian education founded upon and informed by a biblical worldview; equipping them to know, love, and practice that which is true, good and beautiful, and preparing them to live obedient, fruitful lives in the service of God and man.
Wilson Hill Academy believes that gifted, enthusiastic teachers who can bring their subjects alive are the key to successfully delivering a classical Christian education, whether online or in a classroom. At WHA you will find teachers who truly love their subjects and who have thought deeply about the way God is revealed in and through the various academic disciplines. But first and foremost, they are men and women who will “consider not only their own interests, but also the interests of (the students)”, and who model Christ-likeness in all that they do.
A classical Christian education is first of all Christian. It is a pursuit of all that is good, true and beautiful with the recognition that truth, goodness and beauty are absolutes rooted in the triune God of Scripture. It is also classical in the sense that it seeks to equip students with the tools of learning and a worldview framework within which to pursue life-long learning. And finally it is forward-looking – equipping students to face the challenges of the 3rd millennium armed with wisdom from the previous two.
Wilson Hill Academy teaches from the perspective of an integrated whole in which absolute truth, goodness and beauty are rooted in the character of God. All courses are designed to equip students with tools of learning they can apply beyond the boundaries of any individual classroom. True education is more about considering questions than memorizing answers, so while the content in each course is important, students can expect to learn how to grapple with that content, not just remember it until test time.