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About Dave Ponschok
Dave Ponschok is Cfo/Owner at EP Sales, Inc. in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. Previously worked at Donlin Company as Sales Manager. EP Sales, Inc. is a Building Materials company in 7878 12th Ave. S.
Bloomington, Minnesota 55425, US with 12 employees
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Dave Ponschok is the Cfo/Owner @EP Sales, Inc., with experience in Sales Manager @Donlin Company
EP Sales Inc is a stocking HVAC rep business, founded in 1998 by Bob Eddy and Dave Ponschok. Our primary markets include the states of MN, WI, ND, SD, IA and the UP of MI. We maintain a large inventory of Thermolec and Summeraire products, accessories and parts to service our stocking distributor customers’ needs. We also inventory hydronic products such as ECR/Dunkirk gas boilers and indirect tanks, AquaMotion circulators and recirculation systems and Sentinel water treatment products.
EP Sales prides themselves in taking care of the customer at all levels. We have a basic principle to do what we say we’re going to do. Contractors in need of technical support can reach a live person at any time on any day of the week. With the entire EP Sales team committed to customer service, we often hear compliments from our customers about our willingness to do what it takes to provide a badly needed product or part or to call a contractor looking for assistance on troubleshooting one of our products in the field. EP Sales has a reputation of being accessible and taking care of the contractor. Dave says, “When a contractor is frustrated because something isn’t working right, we help them identify the problem so they can move on to the next job or call it a day and get home to their family. ” Bob adds, “Contractors come up to us all the time at trade shows and tell us about how one of our employees helped them through a tough spot. We get a lot of positive feedback on our service and we take pride in that achievement.”
EP Sales is dedicated to growing our business with our vendor partners. We distinguish ourselves from other rep organizations by our willingness to engage the support of the dealer/contractor to ensure that we attain the sales and service results our vendors expect of us. We are always interested in considering additional product lines that offer a fair return on our investment of time, effort and expense for the effective representation we provide.