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About Dave May
Dave May is Vice-President at Argo Sales in 1300, 717 – 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 0Z3, CA. Argo Sales is a Oil and Gas company in 1300, 717 – 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 0Z3, CA with 29 employees
ARGO Sales is an enterprising company specializing in the custom manufacture of oil and gas production equipment and storage tanks.
Over 7 decades the company has gained the technical expertise and manufacturing capability to service its industry requirements. With a reputation for quality and timely delivery ARGO has been able to expand its domestic market while continuing to pursue international opportunities.
Our broadening horizon is facilitated by two manufacturing plants located in Nisku and Medicine Hat Alberta where we produce a full suite of custom storage tanks and an extensive range of pressure vessels and process equipment.