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About Dave Jarrett
Dave Jarrett has 2 current jobs including CEO at Geofortis in Greater Anchorage Area, at OLD HARBOR NATIVE CORPORATION. Previously worked at Three Saints Bay, LLC as undefined. Geofortis is a Wholesale company in 1345 K Ave.
Tooele, UT 84074, US with 11 employees
Geofortis, was a manufacturer and distributor of products and services for the concrete industry that are made from natural pozzolans. In September 2024, most of its assets, primarily located in Tooele UT, were purchased by Ash Grove Cement Company.
Geofortis products solve a growing crisis in concrete construction due to worsening shortages of fly ash in the western US. Our natural pozzolans successfully improve concrete performance and reduce cost.
We process and distribute our products and services in Utah, Nevada, Idaho from our plant and mine in Tooele, UT.
For more information, see or email