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About Darren Smith
Darren Smith is Regional Operations Manager at Golden West Apprenticeships in Toowoomba City, Queensland, Australia. Previously worked at Australian Government Department of Education as Local Jobs Project Support Officer. Golden West Apprenticeships is a Education Administration Programs company in 95 Charles Street
Roma, Qld 4455, AU with 18 employees
Connecting people and building futures through the recruitment, employment, training and mentoring of apprentices and trainees in Toowoomba and Western Queensland.
Golden West Apprenticeships is one of Australia’s largest non-profit Group Training Organisations, specialising in the employment of apprentices and trainees.
With offices in Toowoomba, Dalby, Roma, Charleville, Emerald and Longreach, we have the regional knowledge and established network of government, registered training organisations and industry contacts who work closely with our dedicated Training and Employment Coordinators to manage the entire process.
For jobseekers, we work hard to ensure all of our apprentices and trainees are given the best opportunity to achieve their potential.
For employers, partnering with Golden West provides the expertise and experience to put on an apprentice or trainee while leaving them free to do what they do best - run their business.
Golden West offers a full service from finding and recruiting the best person for the job, to doing the administration, payroll, compliance, monitoring, mentoring, workplace health and safety training, and reporting.
With over 25 years’ experience and a dedicated team of professionals, Golden West provides flexible solutions to grow your business or your future career.