Western Pacific Med-Corp has been providing Narcotic Treatment services continuously, since 1979, and currently operates facilities in Fullerton, Stanton and Mission Viejo, within the County of Orange as well as facilities in County of Los Angeles and Ventura County. We are Drug/Medi-Cal certified, licensed by the DEA, SAMHSA, DHCS, and are accredited by the Council on Accreditation. Additionally, our locations are fully staffed and able to meet all criteria listed within the RFA. We currently contract with the OCHCA to provide NTP services. Our mission is to provide evidence based narcotic treatment services to any eligible person seeking them. These services shall be provided in a cost effective, high quality, humane, culturally sensitive, and non-discriminatory manner. By providing these services the community will be enriched with an increased level of public health, a decrease in criminal activity and a safer more enjoyable place to live.