AlisQI is a no-code Quality Management platform that enables companies to make their Quality Management smart, data-driven and omnipresent. We help our customer to save up to 20% on time, increase the quality level and reduce waste by up to 15%.
We focus on flexibility and ease of implementation. You can create your own processes and workflows, so that Alis perfectly reflects your physical processes and flows.
In many companies, quality management is still reactive and ad hoc. Problems are handled manually when they occur, rather than prevented proactively.
In addition, quality management is often still isolated; quality is not yet widely supported in the organization and supply chain.
We help our customers to become agile and efficient by turning quality management from ad hoc and reactive to smart and proactive. We involve the entire organization and supply chain in quality. This is how we shift Quality Control, Quality Assurance and QESH from isolated to omnipresent.
Our software is used around the globe. From start-up to Fortune 500.