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About Daniel Nyce
Daniel Nyce has 2 current jobs including President at Fearless Family Martial Arts in 7937 Heritage Village Plaza
Gainesville, Virginia 20155, US, at GRID Investor. Previously worked at The Black Belt Academy as Instructor. Fearless Family Martial Arts is a Health, Wellness & Fitness company in 7937 Heritage Village Plaza
Gainesville, Virginia 20155, US with 1 employees
Welcome to Fearless Family Martial Arts! We are located in Gainesville Virginia, and provide superior instruction in the martial arts! We will help you achieve your fitness goals, increase coordination and concentration, and help instill confidence and positive mental attitudes! As Master Nyce says, "We teach life skills and attitudes that support them!"
We offer many fun and challenging programs for students of all ages. We teach the world's most widely practiced martial art: Tae Kwon Do. This Korean martial art, meaning "the way of hand and foot," teaches more than physical skills. Tae Kwon Do is the unity of body, mind, and life, and is a way of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind.
We will help you achieve your fitness goals, increase coordination & concentration, and instill confidence and positive mental attitudes.
The home of Team Fearless, 2016 World Champions
Instagram @ befearlessma
7937 Heritage Village Plaza
Gainesville, Virginia 20155, US
Main Products
Sports ClubsWeight Loss TreatmentFitnessMartial Arts
Martial arts teachingPhysical skill developmentCoordination trainingConcentration enhancementConfidence instillationPositive mental attitude cultivationTae Kwon Do mastery
Martial arts instructionTae Kwon Do programsFitness goal achievementCoordination and concentration improvementConfidence buildingPositive mental attitude development