We are the creators of Errant Worlds - a set of procedural tools for creation of large maps in Unreal Engine.
They allow you to leverage procedural generation while maintaining artistic control.
Errant Worlds is split into three plug-ins: Biomes, Landscape, and Paths.
They allow you to quickly create a vast terrain made of thousands of stamp brushes, simulate the erosion, cover it with foliage, grass, and other biomes of your design, and connect it with roads, paths, and other spline-based networks.
* Procedural generation with precise artistic control
* Quick iteration thanks to GPU acceleration
* Optimised for team work
* Seamless integration with Unreal as new Editor Modes
* Offline and runtime spawning
* Programmable, allows for custom logic
* Integrates well with all the built-in tools and systems
* Non-destructible workflow
* Spawns all kinds of objects - instances, foliage, decals, blueprints, lights, FXs, sounds, gameplay elements
Errant Worlds is currently in closed Beta and we encourage you to sign up for free access on our website (technology page).