Through flexible monthly subscriptions, Ekberger Advisory offers CFO and IR services for scaleups. We are business centric and have extensive experience from executive and leading roles in companies such as Lendify, Spotify, ATEA and Erik Penser Bank.
With a Senior Advisor, you get access to extensive cross-industry experience and create redundancy in critical business issues while challenging the company's management by objectives.
✔Through CFO Advisory, the CEO and CFO get a close and long-term partner, which provides the right dynamics to develop the business and implement the changes required in a tougher financial market.
✔Through IR Advisory, you get access to our combined experience from IR, MAR and communicating with the stock market, which creates the right conditions for increased and long-term shareholder value.
✔Through our strategic partnership with Amudova, you as a listed company get access to a leading Certified Adviser with extensive experience from the Swedish FSA, NGM, Spotlight Stock Market, etc.