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About Dana Janssen
Dana Janssen has 3 current jobs including Co-Founder at Code and Effect in 204-8540 109 Street
Edmonton, AB T6G 1E6, CA, Co-Founder at Upside AMS, Co-Founder at Tadum. Code and Effect is a Technology, Information and Internet company in 204-8540 109 Street
Edmonton, AB T6G 1E6, CA with 4 employees
We develop and support association management software (AMS) that works exactly how you need through our cloud-based member portal software, Upside AMS.
Upside AMS is our software that blends the benefits of software-as-a-service (SaaS) and the benefits of custom software in order to get the advantages of both. It’s a proven base that is ready to be customized for your specific needs. Here are the highlights:
1. Upside AMS is developed to your exact requirements, on top of open-source software.
2. You own the source code and database to your Upside AMS implementation.
3. You get hosting, support, updates, and training at a fixed cost via Support and Improve.
4. You have no other subscription fees, licenses, restrictions, or hidden costs.
Established in 2007, we have been through many iterations (including rebranding from AgileStyle in 2017). Today we work with professional, regulatory, trade, and member associations to build member portals and databases that manage all your association needs like applications to join, dues, renewals and fee payments, discipline, and professional development.
We also built Tadum (, meeting agenda and minutes software that helps teams get organized and stay accountable.