Elite Aircraft Services is a team comprised of knowledgeable, dedicated personnel providing an assortment of aircraft support. We started when we saw a need to provide a service that extends the Operators/ DOM/ Chief Pilot, or Aircraft Managers reach, by providing on-site, oversight support and technical guidance when they themselves cannot be there. Not only maintenance visits may require some oversight but refurbishments, pre-buy, pre-delivery, and completion inspections as well. Our goal is not to manage your aircraft but to provide our services to extend your capabilities. Family Life, illness, travel disruptions, weather, rental car shortages, vacations, excessive hotel rates. Whatever the reason this world is busy, life happens, we get it. By providing this service we can save our clients time, money, and disruption, while we oversee, and support your best interests.
Our team also provides Flight Technician services, supporting G650/ER, G500, and G600. We’ll perform a preflight inspection ensuring everything is thoroughly inspected and serviced preflight. We reduce No Fault Founds, or missed flights, by providing technical knowledge of the aircraft, and procedures. In the event the aircraft does not dispatch, we are familiar with processes and procedures to ensure the proper parts and personnel are dispatched to return your aircraft to service. A flight technician on board can save an operator, downtime, and lost revenue. We hope to provide you exceptional support extending your capabilities, without extending your effort.
We have over 40 years' combined experience on aircraft. We are A&P Licensed, FCC Licensed, Flight Safety Maintenance, Third Crew, Engine run and Taxi certified. We are experienced with Gulfstream production, completions delivery, and customer support processes and procedures. Experienced in working with service centers and AOG teams. We support G200, G280, GIV, GV, but specialize in G450, G550, G650/ER, G500, G600 Gulfstream aircraft.