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About Dan Moss
Dan Moss has 3 current jobs including at ClimaSens in Greater Melbourne Area, at Huddle Lab, at Satalert. ClimaSens is a Software Development company in Collins St
Melbourne, Victoria 3072, AU with 9 employees
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Dan Moss Work
Dan Moss is @ClimaSens, with experience @Huddle Lab
Climasens is developing the next generation of AI based climate risk models and deploying this through our Climate resilience Platform.
Our aim is to help organisations transform their climate risk into climate resilience through the availability of localised climate risk information and actionable intelligence, leading to greater resilience.
The Climasens platform has been developed to provide users with multihazard climate risk data, visualizations and insights to understand climate-related risks to people, property, and planet globally at a local scale.
Internet of ThingsGreen InfrastructureData AnalysisCimate Change AdaptatioMonitoringUrban SustainabilityResilienceSMART CitiesGreen Building Council AustraliSustainability