RaiBay is Online Auction where tech companies meet IT talents in one place.
We’ve built RaiBay out of a personal frustration with the hiring process - we’ve struggled with not suitable job offers.
We know that the smartest people are already employed, and that they receive numerous emails every month from recruiters that often go ignored due to the enormous amount of not suitable job offers.
We seek to shorten the hiring cycle by effectively allowing Candidates to post their profiles incognito and allow companies hire them by sending suitable job offers/proposals based on their minimum requirements.
Our “Online Event” provide upfront offers from recruiters and dedicated Personal Assistant.
RaiBay is created specifically for talented Programmers, Engineers, Data Scientists, Designers, Testers, Game Developers, UX/UI and Product Managers, who are overwhelmed with job opportunities.
Joining RaiBay is completely free for Candidates and Companies.
We believe that You as a candidate on the market are a “Diamond”, and we created the place where all companies will find their Diamonds in one place.
Our Mission: Every day we make sure that we create the best recruiting solution, based on the current needs of the Candidates and Recruiters we work with.
Our Vision: To be one of the most respected and innovative recruitment company on the market. We support recruiters in finding right employees ("Diamonds") and candidates in finding the perfect job.
Company name and meaning: RaiBay (Rai - Your Recruitment Assistant + Bay - “in one place”)
Candidate: Join RaiBay now, get job (full time/ part time/ remote) and Get Paid what you are worth. http://raibay.herokuapp.com/users/sign_up
Company: Join RaiBay now, find top employees (Diamonds) (full time/ part time/ remote) and Pay them what they are worth. http://raibay.herokuapp.com/users/sign_up