The sequence stratigraphic framework used for the Norwegian Basins is a spin-off of the Sequence Stratigraphy
of European Basins framework we published at the SEPM in 1998. Since that time, it has been permanently
updated, so that each sub-Basin of the Norwegian Shelf is now characterized by a specific stratigraphic signature, where 3rd- order depositional sequences form the building blocks of longer-term (2nd-order) seismic-scales
Transgressive/Regressive Cycles. The stratigraphic resolution of our scheme is at the scale of depositional sequences (average of 0.8 My), whereas the stratigraphic resolution of regional facies maps is at the scale of T/R
Cycles (several My). As a consequence each provided facies map is the result of the integration of regional 2D/3D
seismic interpretation (structure, isochron, attributes...) and sequence stratigraphy/facies analysis at each well control- point.