If we could show you a way to help get your clients’ credit standing improved while also providing a monetary incentive to you, that’s something you’d keep an open mind to, right?
We want to offer you the chance to become an affiliate with our company. In essence, if you have clients that have been turned down for your services for any reason, you can simply refer them to us. We arrange a pricing structure with them which typically is billed on a monthly basis - a portion of which we will share with you!
Our services include a free consultation and credit analysis for your client, pointing out gross errors or inaccuracies on one’s report, along with hidden negative items, judgments, liens and other items that are outdated and should not be reflected on one’s report due to statute of limitations.
We do all of the preparation of documents and correspondence for responding to negative items and general “report cleanup” and offer live status updates 24-7. In short, we’d like to get your clients a higher score and keep them there. Once things have improved, we can refer them right back to you for obtaining the services or products they need.
Why does it make sense to send clients to us? If they are applying for credit with your company for a specific product or service, it’s in your best interest to pass them along so we can set their credit right and back to you for being able to now do business. Additionally, the remuneration earned by me as your affiliate broker is shared with you, further incentivizing you to refer clients to us. There are no long binding contracts, no hidden fees.