Tail has brought the audience targeting business to a new level. We believe that the way people behave today reveals much more precisely who they really are. We can no longer be limited to demographic or self declared data, after the world has become much more dynamic.
Tail analyzes millions of anonymous Internet users from their real time browsing behavior data, throughout the whole Latin America and US markets, to reveal to the brands much more detailed profile, to build accurate Target Audiences. Our mission is to transform the power of big data into outstanding results to our partners, advertisers, agencies and publishers, in a simple and efficient way.
Offering a flexible and taylor made approach to each company and their respective KPIs, understanding end to end consumer journey, identifying anonymous profiles that land on different webpages, allowing a personalized and multimedia communication. This is the new revolution that is bringing data intelligence and insights for marketing and advertising. Please contact us and request a demo now: www.tail.digital
Tail – Simple Data Anywhere.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
Avenida Pedroso de Morais, 1553
Cj. 51
BR,São Paulo,São Paulo,05419-001
CDPMarketing de DadosData Driven MarketingInteligência de DadosCustomer Data Platform