B2B Marketing & Lead Generation, a short story...
A few years ago one of our clients started getting amazing results. They had stumbled across a really clever sales technique that changed the way we do business.
It was simple and smart - they asked thousands of targeted contacts for their opinions on challenges they face in day-to-day business. Hundreds of prospects started talking back.
We soon realized that this simple method was positioning the client as expert on those issues, developing real insights, and connecting with hundreds of prospects on common ground. Best of all, prospects were coming to our client about the challenges that they solve.
Imagine if you could also start hundreds of valuable business relationships.
Is B2B Marketing a separate discipline to B2C? In every way yes - in terms of scale, media used, the lead time and complexity of the buying decision. Most importantly, business to business marketing is really Business Networking and what marketers need are the skills and tools to build powerful networks.
B2B Marketing, Marketing Strategy, NFP Marketing, B2B Lead Generation, Associations Marketing, B2B Channel Marketing, B2B Demand Generation, Social Media Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, B2B Marketing, Market Research, Insight Report development