Akribos was born out of the necessity to offer informed, lasting, profitable and value maximising solutions to businesses seeking sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) exposure through both directly investing (through acquisitions) and indirectly (through equities and fixed income investments). Akribos is derived from the Greek word “Akribeia” meaning to pay careful attention to detail and being circumspect in the execution of affairs. Akribos in our context means careful detailed consideration of the facts before offering a solution to our existing and potential clients with the intention of creating a permanent value maximising and value creating solution.
Akribos combines expertise, strategic and operational analysis and client desires to create value maximising solutions for clients seeking an African exposure in their operations. We believe in the African growth story and that investing in Africa is unlike investing in any other developed and emerging market in the world. There is an abundance of opportunities on the African continent that if well harnessed; assessed and carefully considered could be the next growth driver for many a business across the globe and across all sectors.
Our investment banking expertise gives us the ability to both offer best execution in both Securities Trading and Advisory services to both retail and institutional clients. We trade both equities and fixed income securities listed on SSA bourses and we seek to provide seamless world class trade execution across SSA through establishing valuable partnerships with likeminded players in all markets. Our securities trading activities are anchored on value adding investment research produced by seasoned analysts who are acquainted with expertise in analysing SSA listed equities.