UHUK (formerly Urgent Health UK) is a partnership of non-profit and social enterprise healthcare providers and entrepreneurs serving over 64% of the UK population.
We are committed to delivering high-quality and cost-effective integrated and urgent primary care services designed around patients’ and population health needs. Our members have a track record of innovating and partnering as social entrepreneurs working with industry, charities and communities to deliver social impact alongside services.
We work collaboratively with local NHS commissioners, providers and commercial partners to deliver on the NHS’s priorities, from tackling backlogs in primary care and alleviating pressure on Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments through out-of-hours (OOH) and 111 services, to enable more effective integrated urgent care, ultimately improving patient outcomes and experience.
Our members provide an extensive and diverse range of clinically led and system critical Urgent Primary Care services, including but not limited to:
• 111
• GP Out of Hours
• Integrated Urgent Care Dental and Mental Health Services
• Urgent Treatment Centres
• Clinical Assessment Hubs
• Emergency Dept Streaming
• Primary Care Walk in Centres