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About Connie Nahoolewa
Connie Nahoolewa is Executive Director at Northside Inter-Community Agency, Inc. (NICA) in Fort Worth, Texas, United States. Northside Inter-Community Agency, Inc. (NICA) is a Non-profit Organizations company in 1600 Circle Park Blvd.
Fort Worth, Texas 76164, US with 10 employees
NICA is a 501 (c) 3 Company. The Agency provides food, clothing, and self-help programs to the elderly, families, and youth. The most pressing needs are met through our direct aid programs. Providing a hand-up, not just a handout, longer-term goals are met through case management, crisis counseling, employment assistance, and educational.
For every dollar contributed, NICA delivers 96 cents of goods and services directly to individuals and families in need. NICA helps about 3,600 individuals per month.
NICA services all Tarrant County area.