Vital Solutions Consult Limited (VSC) is a leading organizational diagnostics and solution provider. We are focused on helping organizations attain their growth potentials in a competitive business environment. We provide specialist services that align people and organization in an effective symbiotic relationship that enhances productivity; and brings benefits to both parties in a fairly balanced way.
At Vital Solutions Consult Limited, we believe that organizations are living organisms that experience growth, stagnate or even die.Therefore, as it is with the human being, organizations need to undergo a health check at critical junctions of their lives to ensure continuity, stability and to position them for future challenges.
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Rumuogba Estate
PORT HARCOURT, Rivers State 234, NG
Organizational Development Organizational Health Check Away Day and Management Retreat Mystery Shopping L&D Job EvaluationsManpower Supply IR (Industrial Relations)Executive CoachingStrategy; Business Planning and Improvement