Midalia Steel is the largest steel supplier in WA, with 10 branches positioned in rural and metro areas. We may be big, but we are really a collection of smaller, community based branches.
Our Company Core Values were re-defined by our people; so when you see our "Vision Statement" and "Value Truss" on the wall, you can be assured these communicate how we feel about our business, our customers and each other.
Our range is by far larger than any other steel distributor and caters for the regions we operate in. We believe in getting quality brands and products, ones that will last the harsh state we live in.
We keep heaps of steel items like: RHS, flat bars, angle and pipe.
If you want to cut, fasten or weld it, we probably have that on the floor too. If you want to clad it, frame it, put a fence around it or put a roof over it your in the right place mmMate!!
We like to think if we don’t have it, we will get it for you.
We offer simple processing in store and can offer more comprehensive processing via our partners.