As a teenager, I faced the common challenges of acne and scars, a personal battle that shaped my purpose: finding safe and effective solutions not just for myself but for countless others facing the same trauma. I trained with international experts such as Dr. Fadi Hamadani, a McGill-trained Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon, who has helped severe scar victims in the West Bank and Gaza with minimal tools. Recognizing the limitations of energy devices pushed by big corporations, I sought to master advanced skills like TCA, Nano Fat Transfer, Subcision, Taylor Liberator, Punch Excision, Phenol Peel, and manual skin tightening—key components of skin reconstruction.
Every treatment I offer is anchored in science and relentless research. Beyond practicing medicine, I believe in pioneering it. My own curated protocols and continuous quest for knowledge are testaments to that belief. My services—acne and scar treatments, pigmentation treatments, fillers, neck liposuction, and skin resurfacing—may seem familiar, but my approach and administration are unique. This distinct touch, combining relentless research and an innovative mindset, is something I strive to master and improve every day. My mission is to create a new world in cosmetic medicine, where providers are independent, unsponsored, supportive, and dedicated to their patients.
Born and raised in Chicago, the comprehensive Internal Medicine training I received at the University of Illinois shaped my roots. In 2015, my goals led me to Southern California with a singular dream: to pioneer the most compassionate and inclusive skin and body restoration center in the world. Every day, with every patient, I work to make that dream a reality.
Outside of my professional realm, I cherish moments with my incredible wife, our toddler son, newborn daughter, and golden doodle puppy. Whether playing a sport, enjoying a board game, or savoring gelato by the beach, these moments are gold
Medical Practices, Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
20271 SW Birch St
Newport Beach, California 92660, US
TCANano Fat TransferSubcisionTaylor LiberatorPunch ExcisionPhenol PeelManual skin tighteningAdvanced scar treatmentCosmetic medicine
Acne and scar treatmentsPigmentation treatmentsFillersNeck liposuctionSkin resurfacing
DermatologySkincareHair LossMelasmAcneBotoxFillersPDO ThreadsButt LiftCellulite