- A flowerful idea -
We put florists at the heart of everything we do. We help grow and support your business with industry insight and knowledge. Using a unique digital marketplace providing access to products from the best growers and suppliers. And with innovative new tools designed to make your business streamlined and more profitable.
We understand your business because many of us used to work as florists. Now we work to ensure you can focus on what you love most – floristry.
We created a strong, empowered and knowledgeable community of florists. To help florists everywhere buy smarter, manage efficiently and share their new experiences with fellow florists.
- The smart solution -
We open up a rich and colourful world of suppliers. We connect you to the grower of your favourite wedding rose. Suppliers of the freshest exotic and extraordinary flowers from all over the world are just a click away.
We bring you choice, product knowledge and expert advice. So you can offer your customers the right flowers at the right time. It’s a beautiful arrangement.
- Buy smart. Work smart. -
In the end everything we do and what we stand for, boils down to our motto: Buy smart. Work smart. Buy more competitively, manage your business efficiently.
Visit www.florismart.com for more information.