Bethesda Center for the Homeless began in 1987 as a partnership between First Presbyterian Church, Winston-Salem and the Forsyth/Stokes Mental Health Center. Since then, we have served as the Triad's leader in caring for our community’s most marginalized citizens- those experiencing homelessness. We remain the only provider of day shelter and emergency night shelter for 100 men and women.
The 100-bed night shelter serves a cross-section of homeless men and women: Those who have short-term emergencies and need a bed for just a few nights; those who are newly employed and need time to get on their feet; those who have been out of work for months or even years with little hope of things turning around; the heavily addicted; the disabled; and the mentally ill. Through Bethesda’s case management team, everyone has an opportunity for mental and physical health care, job training, education and even their own permanent housing.
The day shelter is open to any homeless person and offers a place of warmth and hospitality. There are restrooms, a free telephone, showers, a laundry room, access to ancillary resources, and a mailing address. We also host 12-step meetings, health screenings, and stability programming on a weekly basis. Hundreds of homeless men and women use the day shelter each year as we support local community development.