Never overpay for groceries again. Join the world’s largest community of shoppers working together to save time and money.
Basket believes you should never overpay for groceries again. As the only Shopper-First grocery platform, Basket brings instant transparency for pricing and availability on all your favorite products across all retailers, both local and online so you’ll be empowered to make informed decisions about where to complete your next shopping trip.
Basket streamlines the path to purchasing grocery and everyday products and gives Shoppers their time back. Basket believes no one should spend more money or more time searching for their favorite products and having to guess at which is a better choice, online vs in-store pricing and availability. Using Basket, Shoppers take back control with each grocery list.
The Basket Platform leverages billions of records and millions of Shopper interactions to power our consumer-facing products and business intelligence offerings. Using Basket’s state of the art technology stack and machine learning models, our community of Shoppers can unlock information previously only available to top retailers and manufacturers.