VERSATEC is a certified processing company with international franchises. It has a comprehensive processing system covering the main verticals of the Means of Payment business. We specialize in creating more efficient processing systems through Innovative Solutions for financial products and services with a strong technological component. Our core system is designed in layers in a modular way with an open architecture for multiple integration with other systems, based on SOA concepts. (Service Oriented Architecture)
Versatec Tower, Piso 16
Intersección calles 50 y 53 - Contiguo a Hotel Riu
Panamá, Panama 00000, PA
Medios de PagosEmisionAdquirenciaSWITCH y AutorizadorProcesamiento para Marcas PrivadasFINTECHSoluciones de Medios de PagoProcesamiento de TarjetasFinanzasTecnología