CHEERS makes you smile! CHEERS is the new wine generation which makes wine drinking fun and affordable. We sell imported quality wines at honest prices in our own CHEERS Stores in Beijing as well as in our CHEERS partner stores all across China. We strongly encourage entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. We highly recognise and acknowledge that our Franchise partners are a part of our success. We love to surprise our customers with new products, outstanding customer service and with a fun but highly professional wine knowledge transfer. CHEERS holds a wide selection of interactive videos, store themes and fun marketing campaigns.
CHEERS 让您微笑! 作为葡萄酒饮业的新生代,CHEERS使喝红酒变得更有趣并且极易被消费者接受。在北京的CHEERS店和另外全国的CHEERS加盟店里,我们以极具诚意的价格提供纯进口葡萄酒。我们致力于培养发展成功企业家,我们也将我们的成功和成就同时也与加盟商共享。我们喜欢带给客户新的惊喜,传达无与伦比的客户服务和愉悦的文化理念以及专业的葡萄酒知识。CHEERS提供各种极具创意视频精选,店内主题活动和有趣的市场推广战略。