KARMAN is a French company, the healthcare subsidiary of the Bottle Tree group, founded in 2004 by Samuel Praicheux, a French entrepreneur with a passion for technological innovation. The company expanded just before the Covid-19 epidemic and offers through its two brands KARMAN Technologies and KARMAN Healthcare a wide range of innovative health and technology products. Since the start of the pandemic, Karman has made a significant impact with over 70 million masks sold and the successful launch of KARMAN JET, a high-performance airborne biosafety solution for public and private settings.
Wellness and Fitness Services, Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers, Wholesale and Real Trade
HQ Location
8, Rue du Docteur Roux
Cenon - Métropole de Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine 33150, FR
SantéHygièneInnovation technologiqueMasques chirurgicauxBiodésinfectionProtectionPharmaciesand Dermo-cosmétique