DEMAT provides a high quality education for more 7,000 pupils across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk and Suffolk.
Following our founding in 2012, we have seen our Trust grow considerably, we have experienced and successfully tackled many of the challenges that face new and growing MATs. This has given
us clarity on what we need to do to continue in a successful, sustainable manner. We have created an operating model which allows for additional
growth in incremental steps while still providing the capacity to support our academies in a multifaceted approach.
Our vision is for every child to flourish, to be introduced to the richness of human experience, and to understand, question, and contribute to the world around them.
We recognise the importance of continually
improving the quality of education across our
academies, and are investing in the development
of our curriculum, teaching and wider provision to
ensure that DEMAT academies provide the very
best education for their children. We support our
academies to do this through:
• A relentless focus on the quality of learning
• Clear governance structures
• Capacity and affordability built through
economies of scale
• Talent management and professional
development for all staff