Restore Hope is a non-profit organization that equips churches for cross-cultural ministry and engages communities in the developing world with strategies for holistic transformation.
With Jesus as our example of love and service, we believe in the value and dignity of every person. We help communities identify their challenges and opportunities and then we help them mobilize the resources needed to implement life-changing solutions. Partnerships with NGOs, universities, businesses, governments, and faith-based organizations are essential to our holistic approach that results in transformed lives, reliable infrastructure, social responsibility, and capacity for continued development.
Restore Hope currently works in Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Niger, Spain, Slovenia and other locations around the world with efforts as diverse as community centers, job skills training, professional education, community health initiatives, agricultural extension services, orphan care and sponsorship, water access and purification, and high quality schools and health care facilities, and emergency relief.
The following two divisions accomplish Restore Hope's mission of restoring hope to individuals and communities through Christ-centered, church-based proclamation and service: Church Engagement and Operations.