The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens holds a prominent place among Greek and international Universities, thanks to the top-notch teaching and research work of its faculty members, and to the high level of its students and graduates. Since its foundation, the School has been a very important source of technical knowledge for the Greek society, training young engineers and contributing decisively to the technological advancement and modernization of the structures of modern Greece in the fields of energy, telecommunications and computer science.
Since 1993, when the curriculum radically changed, the School offers four specializations: Energy, Communications, Electronics and Systems, and Computer Science. The degree awarded upon successful completion of the five-year course curriculum is equivalent to an integrated Masters of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Alongside, the School offers front-line postgraduate studies, aiming at providing researchers and scientists with the knowledge and skills that will allow them to take on leadership roles and face vital issues of our country, but also to contribute to research and science on an international level. The S.E.C.E. has, since 1993, an established program of postgraduate studies, leading to a PhD or a PhD in Engineering. Since 1993, over 1000 doctoral students have graduated from the School. In addition, the School participates in numerous inter-departmental, inter-school and inter-university programs of postgraduate studies, which lead to M.Sc. or M.Eng degrees. Among these, the School coordinates the programs in “Energy Production and Management”, "Engineering - Economic Systems", "Data Science and Machine Learning", and "Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine" .