Honoa te tangata ki te tangata, te tangata ki te taiao, te tangata ki te rangahau, rangahaua kia whai hua.
Linking people to people, people to the world around us, people to research, research that brings ideas to life.
UniServices is the research application, investment and commercialisation company of Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland. Since 1988, we have acted as the kaihono – those who link people to people and people to projects. We do this through:
Advancing Research: We help researchers advance their work and develop their careers, all with the goal of turning their ideas into impact. We help identify funding opportunities, develop winning proposals, liaise with governments and industry, negotiate contracts and manage stakeholder relationships.
Investing and Partnering: We manage the University of Auckland Inventors’ Fund, a $40 million pre-seed and seed stage investment fund that works to transform University research into high-growth global companies. We also work with partners to license technologies and co-invest in start-ups.
Commercialising and Protecting Ideas: We help researchers disclose and protect their ideas, learn about the commercialisation process, secure patents and start companies. We help fledgling companies get expert advice, refine their business plans and access start-up capital.
Delivering Positive Community Impact: We manage projects, programmes and services that build on Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland research to create positive impacts in areas such as education, training, health and informing public policy.