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About Christine Pears
Christine Pears is Principal Executive/Proprietor at Winegrowers of Ara in 1003 State Highway 63
Blenheim, 7204, NZ. Winegrowers of Ara is a Beverage Manufacturing company in 1003 State Highway 63
Blenheim, 7204, NZ with 7 employees
Christine Pears Work
Christine Pears is the Principal Executive/Proprietor @Winegrowers of Ara
Ara is a New Zealand owned single estate wine company with a focus on delivering the finest Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir, the varietals that New Zealand is renowned for world over. Ara is a relatively new wine brand in the New Zealand category and enjoying rapid growth globally, with exclusive distribution throughout New Zealand and key wine export markets - Australia, Canada, Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States.