An institution in the Nordic Council of Ministers’ social and health sector. Our mission is to contribute to the development of welfare initiatives in the Nordic region. By compiling and disseminating knowledge on welfare issues, we offer strengthened tools for policy-making, as well as tools for improving health and well-being of all citizens.
Our results are used as basis for political decisions at national, regional and local level in the five Nordic countries, and in Åland, Greenland and the Faeroe Islands.
How we work:
The work of the Nordic Welfare Centre is focused on current social challenges. Our expertise enables us to take on complex welfare issues in areas such as public health, integration, disability issues and welfare technology. We offer arenas for experts to meet, we convey knowledge, we establish networks and produce best practice recommendations for decision makers.
How exactly does the Nordic Welfare Centre work?
•Prepares strategic input to politicians
•Arranges events (conferences, seminars, webinars, courses)
•Reports and publications
•Combines research findings
The organization
The head office is located in Stockholm, Sweden, with an office in Helsinki, Finland.
Focus areas:
•Welfare policy
•Public health
•Disability issues
Nordens välfärdscenter:
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Nordic Welfare Centre:
Nordens velferdssenter
Nordens Velfærdscenter