Ballhaus Naunynstrasse in Berlin is a theatre and place of cultural production for the postmigrational Turkish culture in Germany and Europe.
The main emphasis lies on theatre production, but there is also a strong interest in the latest developments in dance, film, music and literature. Cultural education projects as well as co-operations with independent companies such as Balkan Black Box, Conflict Zone Arts Asylum, Diyalog and others will complete the programme.
This unique theatre with its postmigrant cultural praxis offers artists a platform for developing art with a “translocal perspective”. Looking out beyond a national framework, exchange, as well as interdisciplinarity and continuity are important aspects of our programming.
Arts education projects such as Monthly Kiez Show: News from Naunynstraße and Holiday Camp – the 3rd Generation are part of the academy of autodidacts which aims to gather forces in order to offer young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to work and develop within cultural and artistic projects.
The Ballhaus Naunynstraße is an institution of the district Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, programming co-operation with Kultursprünge e.V., supported by the Senatskanzlei für Kulturelle Angelegenheiten Berlin.
See also: Transnationalism, Translation, Politics of Representation, Post-Colonialism