The National College of Automotive Technology L.L.C (NCAT) is a private college that aims to supply the automotive sector in Oman with a skilled workforce. NCAT aspires to become the primary technical, vocational and educational establishment to qualify youth for careers within the domestic automotive industry. NCAT trains its students to develop their professional and interpersonal skills to meet the demands of the local market.
NCAT is playing a pivotal role in the Sultanate’s human resources development by reinforcing a reputation for excellence and quality. The college is working toward filling the skills gaps in the Omani market by adopting international higher education standards to produce well equipped and certified automotive technicians. NCAT enables students to develop their careers and supports them in securing job opportunities in the respective field upon graduation.
The college offers certified diplomas and recognized competency-based training courses. NCAT adopts new strategies for employing the national manpower in the automotive sector, in its commitment to training and qualifying skilled Omani youth to fulfill the sector’s technical requirements.