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About Christian De Leon
Christian De Leon has 2 current jobs including Technical Advisor at Swagelok Southeast Texas in Houston, Texas, United States, Business Owner at PURE: People United Reaching Everyone. Previously worked at Swagelok Southeast Texas as Ecrp. Swagelok Southeast Texas is a Automation Machinery Manufacturing company in 10811 West Fairmont Parkway
La Porte, Texas 77571, US with 75 employees
Swagelok Southeast Texas delivers reliable, high-performance fluid system solutions. Our customer focused team is dedicated to providing you with valuable products and services designed to reduce procurement, installation and operation costs associated with fluid systems, while ensuring maximum value.
As the authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center for the Southeast region of Texas, including the Nederland/Beaumont Golden Triangle and North Houston, our globally-leading products are used by customers in the petrochemical, oil and gas, instrumentation, power, semiconductor, biopharmaceutical and food industries, among others.
Please visit our website, email or call us.
Phone: 281.422.3533
10811 West Fairmont Parkway
La Porte, Texas 77571, US
Fluid System SolutionsFabrication and AssemblyIndustrial Instrumentation and AnalysisOrbital WeldingFluid Systems TrainingValvesRegulatorsFittingsTube BendingHoses