Founded in 2000 by a group of academics, practitioners and policy makers, the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) has the aim to contribute to the further development and establishment of victim-offender mediation and other restorative justice practices. Every person in Europe should have the right of access to RJ services, at any time and in any case.
Among other activities, the EFRJ supports its members in developing RJ across Europe and beyond by building cooperation, publishing research findings, sharing information and knowledge, and organising seminars, conferences, summer schools and events in occasion of the international RJ Weeks.
The EFRJ is a membership organisation with about 250 between individual and organisational members across Europe and beyond. It is part of the Criminal Justice Platform Europe, together with CEP (Confederation of European Probation) and Europris (European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services).
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