What if you could focus impressions only on consumers most likely to respond, engage, and choose your services over your competitors?
Let us show you how hyper-targeted technology is increasing response rates across all addressable media by over 400% when compared to traditional behavioral models.
Going beyond just demos & behaviors to profile and target custom attitudes and behavior buying propensities that drive consumer decisions to dramatically boost campaign ROI. NexLevel Direct allows true cutting edge proprietary data modeling?Allowing hyper-targeted & custom designed modeling & lead generation programs to address YOUR ideal consumer, whether that is new customers focus, or expanding reach and exposure to other product lines you offer.
Using our patented targeting technology we identify the individual consumers who best fit custom target profiles across any consumer touch point. Using custom survey data to assess consumers on key characteristics we create laser focused ideal target profiles – a quantitative definition of the optimal target group.
Traditional targeting methods utilize behavioral data, inferred attitudes (proxies) and cannot differentiate consumers based on underlying motivators or actual propensities such as attitudinal and behavioral buying propensities.
True hyper-targeting finds individual PII level consumers at scale who fit your custom target profile AND are most likely to engage and respond to your specific campaign message.
Using new cutting edge data modeling, NexLevel Direct goes beyond the usual, overly used, segmentation groups. Applying our proprietary data modeling, we maximize ROI by adding additional layers of targeting applying not just the behavioral buying segments, but also applying “Attitudinal” buying propensities- resulting in generating hyper focused targeted leads with the highest odds of converting.