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About Chris Emig
Chris Emig is Customer Service Coordinator at CCG Automation, Inc. in cleveland, ohio, united states. Previously worked at Herc Rentals as Territory Sales Representative. CCG Automation, Inc. is a Facilities Services company in 3868 Congress Pkwy
Richfield, Ohio 44286, US with 24 employees
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Chris Emig Work
Chris Emig is the Customer Service Coordinator @CCG Automation, Inc., with experience in Territory Sales Representative @Herc Rentals
CCG Automation, Inc. is a nationally recognized leader in the energy services and building automation business serving Northeast Ohio for 20 years. We are most proud of what we have been able to accomplish in our customers' buildings. The energy dollars saved have enabled our customers to address their infrastructure needs and fund many additional upgrades. The comfort improvements have made the occupants of their buildings more productive. And the trust we have gained from our customers continually reinforces why CCG was started to begin with – as a results-oriented company.