Chris Bostic
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Work Experience
Policy Director
Jan 2012 - Present · 12 years and 11 months
Framework Convention Alliance
Program Manager, Fca Shadow Reporting
Aug 2009 - Dec 2011 · 2 years and 4 months
University of Maryland School of Law
Clinical Instructor
Jul 2006 - Jun 2009 · 2 years and 11 months
Company Details
Good policies don’t just happen. They take ongoing research, daily action, regular trainings, technical assistance in several languages, and a very, very dedicated team. This is why we train people around the world: we are hard-set on making sure all tobacco control advocates know that the production, marketing and sale of cigarettes is a human rights violation. Once they know that, we train them on how to use existing human rights systems to push their governments to enact stronger tobacco regulations. At the same time, if the sale of cigarettes is a human rights violation, governments must phase out their sale. That’s where our Project Sunset comes in. We coordinate and work with partners to provide technical assistance to local U.S. communities looking for ways to phase out the sale of cigarettes, like Beverly Hills, CA did. Your community doesn’t have to allow the sale of cigarettes, and your activism could be the impetus to turn the tides in your area! Contact us if you’d like to learn more (hq@ash.org). The 3rd tier of ASH’s programs is the legal next step once our human rights program and Project Sunset are in full swing in more and more jurisdictions. If it’s a human rights violation to sell cigarettes, the people selling cigarettes must be held accountable. We think it’s time to bring charges against tobacco companies and their executives for murder. Tobacco companies are getting a free pass to sell an addictive and lethal product, a free pass that no other company is given. Cigarettes kill when used exactly as intended. And we have it in our power to reverse the deadly trend they’ve started. But we can’t make a change without you. The trainings and technical assistance ASH leads across the US and around the world are crucial but quite expensive to maintain. Please consider making a generous donation today to ensure the ongoing success of our programs which are designed to be the final blow that ends the tobacco epidemic once and for all. Join us!
Year Founded
Social Media
Health, Wellness & Fitness
HQ Location
1250 Connecticut Ave, NW 7th floor Washington, DC 20036, US
Tobacco ControlWHO Framework Convention on Tobacco ControlAnti-TobaccoPublic HealthPublic Policy
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