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About Choon Yap
Choon Yap is Research Associate at Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS) in singapore. Previously worked at bioinformatics institute as Research Officer. Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS) is a Research Services company in 11 Mandalay Road, Clinical Sciences Building, #14-03
Singapore, 308232, SG with 23 employees
The Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS) supports research projects that harness the latest robotic, AI and machine learning technologies and a vast pool of patient case studies and data from the Asia region to:
*Develop technology aids that will support the rehabilitation of the aged and patients with decreased mobility in a clinical and home environment
*Design assistive aids that support patients in their continued mobility and recovery in the home
*Provide patients with personalised care and an accurate prediction of their individual recovery trajectory based on a vast pool of mobility data
*Deliver insights into how a patient’s current mobility will impact future mobility as they age so that corrective and preventive action can be taken to improve the patient’s quality of life in old age and to lessen the burden on healthcare institutions
RRIS was founded in the April of 2016 by NTU, A*STAR and NHG, against the backdrop of a rapidly-ageing Singapore.
ResearchHealthcareRehabilitatioNeuro-RehabilitatioPsychosocial RehabilitatioFrailty and/or Nutrition Management in RehabilitatioAdvanced Technology for Rehabilitation Continuum of CareDatabase for Functional Assessment