Pulse Poll is a Public Sentiment Analytics Platform that helps businesses get insightful data through engaging and redefined polls.
Through PULSE, the public has a platform to express their opinion on topics important to them, while policymakers, businesses, and people get access to real-time data and insight into public opinion.
PULSE will collect survey and questionnaire data and validate survey participants' information in a seamless manner through its platform. We will help businesses and political parties to process accurate data in an unbiased manner and conduct quality research.
Our line of products and services include digital Surveys, Polls, Votes, Fun quizzes, Engaging surveys and polls for Marketing, and a large range of market- leading products and solutions for your research needs.
Pulse Digital Poll Platform aims to define the Public Opinion, Choice, and Perception by its Five Sentiment Cycles: Listen, Express, Measure, Inform, and Distribute.
We take pride in providing the most transparent, inclusive, and informed Polls, Votes, and Survey results which are accessible on www.pulse.mn.